Our conduct

Our conduct

As a company founded on a strong ethical heritage, we hold ourselves accountable to our commitment to responsible business practices and proper conduct with all of our stakeholders.

Our conduct

Our conduct

Ferring is committed to conducting business in a fair, honest and ethical manner to serve the long-term interests of its stakeholders. To complement our Ferring Philosophy, the Code of Conduct sets out the overarching policies that Ferring expects from all persons acting on its behalf, whether under an employment contract or any other form of engagement.

It is Ferring’s policy to comply with both the substance and the spirit of all local laws, rules, regulations and applicable industry codes.

As it is not possible to list all scenarios regarding business conduct, Ferring expects all conducting business on its behalf to act in a manner consistent with the highest ethical standards, including those circumstances in which no guideline is specified.

Click here to download and know more about the Ferring Code of Conduct.

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