Reducing inequalities

Reducing inequalities

We are committed to building families of every shape and size. Without gender equality, racial justice and health equality, we will never achieve these goals.

Reducing inequalities


Reducing racial disparities

At Ferring, we believe that everyone should have access to support in their family-building journey, and that no woman should die while giving life. We recognise that giving birth carries greater risks for a woman of colour than a white woman due to disparities in access, treatment and care. For example, women in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia account for around 85% of global maternal deaths, while black women in the U.S. are three times more likely to die in childbirth than white women.

We are therefore committed to supporting black and indigenous communities on their family-building journey, and helping to reduce racial disparities in maternal mortality and access to IVF treatment. Addressing these disparities involves exposing structural inequalities across social institutions, education and healthcare provision. While these represent enormous challenges, we believe that change must start with every individual and every organisation.

Racial equality research grants

As a leader in reproductive medicine and maternal health, we are determined to play our part in reducing racial disparities in maternal mortality and to improving in vitro fertilization (IVF), pregnancy and post-partum outcomes for black communities, indigenous communities and all communities of colour.

At Ferring, we are committed to building families and helping people live better lives. At the core of Ferring’s mission is our work to deliver better outcomes at every stage of the reproductive journey, from conception to birth. As part of that commitment, Ferring is launching a new grants programme to better understand and, ultimately, drive solutions to tackle racial disparities in reproductive medicine and maternal health. The Ferring Innovation Grants Programme for Racial Equality in Reproductive Medicine and Maternal Health aims to fund projects in basic and translational research, clinical research, epidemiology and prevention research and social science research.

Learn more about our Ferring Innovation Grants Programme

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