

Real Voices,
New Insights

Eureka Moments for Fertility in Asia


Real Voices, New Insights

Eureka Moments for Fertility in Asia

WHO recently reported that 1 in 6 people globally is affected by infertility.1 Total fertility rates in Asia have declined over the past decades with several countries in the region reporting ultra-low fertility rates in an emerging demographic crisis.23

The “Real Voices, New Insights” white paper integrates findings from a multi-country survey conducted in Asia. Supported by related publications and experts’ opinions, it serves as a concise and informative resource to guide couples, the public, and governments to better understand the infertility journey to help more achieve their family-building aspirations.

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“Real Voices, New Insights”

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Top 10 Insights At A Glance

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Ferring Press Release

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Ferring is committed to building families worldwide. Timely information empowers individuals in an emotional journey and demystifying infertility allows thoughtfulness and empathy to grow within communities and workplaces to better support friends, families, and employees.


    1. WHO. 1 in 6 people globally affected by infertility: WHO. Available at:
    2. United Nation. World Population Prospects 2022. Available at:
    3. Sobotka T. Popul Soc 2021;595:1-4. 5. Vollset SE, et al. Lancet 2020;396:1285-1306.

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