Reproductive Medicine and Maternal Health


Reproductive Medicine & Maternal Health

Ferring is committed to building healthy families worldwide.

Reproductive Medicine and Maternal Health


Every year, 500,000 babies are born thanks to IVF and other assisted reproductive technologies (ART). Ferring is committed to building healthy families of every shape and size by developing innovative fertility treatments and expanding access to IVF treatment

fertility L2 singapore

Safe birth

No woman should die while giving life, but every year over 300,000 women die from complications during childbirth. At Ferring we believe that every woman should have access to quality care and treatment during pregnancy and childbirth, no matter where she lives.

Preterm birth

Every year, 15 million babies are born preterm, which is around 29 babies a minute. Ferring is committed to supporting families from conception to birth, including preventing babies from being born too soon.

pretermbirth L2 singapore

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