24-Mar-2020: COVID-19 and Global Urologic Surgery Disruptions –
Bertrand Tombal and Neal Shore who share the urologist’s perspective on the impact of the crisis on their patients and their capacity to give care. Dr. Tombal calls in from Belgium; where he speaks to the effect of total confinement in the country and how GU-oncology and urology surgeries have been reconfigured as hospitals are forced to adjust to an influx of COVID positive patients. Dr. Tombal also addresses delays for surgeries, and when exceptions to this rule must be made when patient survival is dependent on the surgical procedure. Dr. Shore describes the situation in South Carolina and the work being done to flatten the curve leveraging telemedicine. He also addresses the lack of personal protective equipment available, and how elective appointments in outpatient and inpatient settings are being delayed for as long as possible. Both Dr. Shore and Dr. Tombal consider the long term impact of this uncertain time on all levels of cancer and urologic care.