Ferring Grants Programme for Equity in Reproductive Medicine and Maternal Health

Ferring Grants Programme for Equity in Reproductive Medicine and Maternal Health

Funding research grants to tackle racial and LGBTQ+ inequities.

Ferring Grants Programme for Equity in Reproductive Medicine and Maternal Health

As a leader in Reproductive Medicine and Maternal Health, Ferring is determined to play our part in reducing disparities and delivering better outcomes at every stage of the reproductive journey, from conception to birth.

As part of this commitment, the Ferring Grants Programme for Equity in Reproductive Medicine and Maternal Health exists to better understand and, ultimately, drive solutions to tackle the disparities that exist in this area. In addition to addressing inequities faced by Black communities, indigenous communities, and all communities of colour, this year the grants programme is being expanded to address the inequities faced by lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer/questioning (LGBTQ+) communities as part of our ongoing commitment to building families of every shape and size.

The Ferring Grants Programme for Equity in Reproductive Medicine and Maternal Health aims to fund projects in basic and translational research, clinical research, epidemiology and prevention research and social science research.

What is of interest to Ferring

The Ferring Grants Programme for Equity in Reproductive Medicine and Maternal Health aims to fund multidisciplinary research projects across four main areas:

  • Basic and translational research: research to further understanding of the reproductive and maternal health conditions that disproportionally affect Black communities, indigenous communities and all communities of colour, and result in a higher risk of morbidity or mortality. Conditions of interest include, but are not limited to: infertility, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), uterine fibroids, gestational hypertension, preeclampsia, preterm birth, cardiomyopathy and other cardiovascular conditions associated with maternal death, and postpartum haemorrhage (PPH).
  • Clinical research: research into the services available and clinical care of Black communities, indigenous communities, all communities of colour and LGBTQ+ communities during infertility diagnosis, pre-conception care, assisted reproductive technologies (ART) treatment, pregnancy, birth, postpartum (fourth trimester) care and reproductive mental wellbeing. Plus, insights into interventions aiming to reduce the impact of unconscious bias and discrimination in clinic settings, along with how services are addressing families of every shape and size in the delivery of reproductive care. Research proposals in this track should reflect the importance of the patient perspective in study design.
  • Epidemiology and prevention research: epidemiological studies, including social, lifestyle, exposure and behavioural studies, seeking to understand the origins of racial disparities and LGBTQ+ in access to and outcomes of assisted reproductive technologies (ART), pregnancy, maternal health, postpartum health and reproductive mental wellbeing to ultimately drive solutions to tackle disparities in these areas.
  • Social science research: including, but not limited to, political, policy and human rights research exploring the structural factors impacting Black communities, indigenous communities, all communities of colour and LGBTQ+ communities that limit access to and outcomes of assisted reproductive technologies (ART), pregnancy, maternal health and postpartum health outcomes. This could include research into the barriers to participation in clinical trials. Research proposals in this track should reflect the importance of the patient perspective in study design.

In addition, projects exploring the relationship between health outcomes during pregnancy, birth and COVID-19 infection are also welcomed. Any projects in this area should still be focused on the disparities faced by Black communities, indigenous communities, all communities of colour and LGBTQ+ communities.

Available funding

The programme will provide a limited number of research grants of up to EUR 20,000 per research project.

Who should apply

We encourage submissions from researchers and research organisations around the world who are committed to reducing racial and LGBTQ+ disparities in reproductive medicine and maternal health.

Ferring Pharmaceuticals is committed to creating a diverse community and an inclusive culture which embraces, respects and values different perspectives and backgrounds. We encourage global researchers from diverse backgrounds to submit applications to the Ferring Grants Programme for Equity in Reproductive Medicine and Maternal Health.

How to apply

Applications will be open from 28th April 2022 to 10th July 2022. For more information, and to apply for the grants programme, please click here.

Grants submissions do not need to address challenges faced by both LGBTQ+ communities and communities of colour. Please note, submissions must be written in English to be accepted.

For any questions about the grant programme, please contact EquityGrantsRMMH@ferring.com

Apply to Ferring Grants Programme for Equity in
Reproductive Medicine and Maternal Health now!

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